Exceptional implementation plan meant business as usual for Mercedes-Benz Financial Services
The Background
Mercedes Benz Financial Services weekly mailings had major contractual and supply chain issues. This triggered an urgent need for assistance as the contract needed to be moved to an alternative supplier as soon as possible. This was required to guarantee their mailings would still be processed and released on a weekly basis, and to make sure Mercedes Benz Financial Services remained FCA compliant.
The mailings consisted of the following:
Welcome Pack, a 6-page, four colour variable print on demand item, laminated on 350gsm stock. Split across 49 different versions, enclosed into 15 different envelope variants. A daily data feed providing 19 different field positions for each version, with the Welcome packs mailing out every Monday.
Maturity letter, a duplex, four colour variable print on demand item, split across 11 different versions, enclosed into 3 different envelope variants. A daily data feed providing 19 different field positions for each version, with the Maturity letter mailing out every Monday.
BiFD letter (Business in Financial Difficulty), a duplex, four colour variable print on demand item, enclosed into a C5 outer envelope. A daily data feed providing 11 different field positions with the letter mailing out every Wednesday.
The Solution
On receiving the call from the client FOX jumped straight into action, initiating an emergency planning & analysis meeting, constructing a robust implementation plan so we could start the design, development and programming to cover all 49 Welcome Packs and 15 envelope variants, including the 11 Maturity letters with 3 envelope variants and the Business in Financial Difficulty packs.
Over the next 3 weeks in close collaboration with all parties involved, we moved through vigorous system & programme testing to make any necessary modifications and updates. At the same time new contracts and service level agreements (SLA’s) were being discussed & agreed, internal teams at FOX were being briefed as the implementation plan moved towards completion and launch date.
The Results
4 weeks after the initial call, SLA’s and contracts were signed and the full range of products were launched successfully. As an extra we also built the client a fully branded online stock management system to provide the client with live visibility of all envelope stock levels.